YGA Journal | Article
International Sawfish Day
Sawfish Spectacles
Dive into the Fascinating Realm of Sawfish this International Sawfish Day, discovering their vital ecological role, the challenges they face from habitat loss and overfishing, and the collective measures required to secure their survival. Explore ways you can aid in their conservation through informed advocacy, support for preservation programs, and raising awareness in this insightful article!
Published October 17, 2023
Written by Subodh Thallada
International Sawfish Day is celebrated annually on October 17th to raise awareness of the endangered sawfish and the challenges they face in our world’s oceans. The day was established as a collaboration between the Sawfish Species Survival Plan (SSP) of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) studbook program, as well as research and conservation organizations.
History and Purpose
The first International Sawfish Day was held in 2016, and since then, it has been celebrated annually to increase knowledge and awareness of one of the most endangered groups of elasmobranchs. The day is dedicated to highlighting the wonder of sawfish, their role in keeping our ecosystems healthy and balanced, and the threats they face.
Why Celebrate?
Sawfish are a unique group of animals characterized by a long, narrow, flattened rostrum, or nose extension, lined with sharp teeth. They play an important role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems, but they are also one of the most endangered groups of elasmobranchs. Sawfish take a long time to mature and don’t have very many pups per year, which, coupled with habitat loss, bycatch, and historic exploitation, means that for a long time, we were losing sawfish faster than they could replace themselves. Celebrating International Sawfish Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of the plight of sawfish and the need for their conservation.
How to Celebrate?
There are many ways to celebrate International Sawfish Day, including creating or visiting a sawfish outreach event in your community, giving a presentation in your classroom, or sharing information about sawfish and International Sawfish Day online. You can also participate in the day by sharing messages on social media or planning an event of your own.
There are many ways to celebrate International Sawfish Day, including creating or visiting a sawfish outreach event in your community, giving a presentation in your classroom, or sharing information about sawfish and International Sawfish Day online. You can also participate in the day by sharing messages on social media or planning an event of your own.
Aldrovandi, Ulisse. “Sawfish.” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sawfish. Accessed 12 October 2023.
“International Sawfish Day.” International Sawfish Day – Home, https://internationalsawfishday.org/. Accessed 12 October 2023.
“International Sawfish Day is October 17 | NOAA Fisheries.” NOAA Fisheries, 16 October 2018, https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/feature-story/international-sawfish-day-october-17. Accessed 12 October 2023.
“International Sawfish Day — Sawfish Conservation Society.” Sawfish Conservation Society, https://www.sawfishconservationsociety.org/international-sawfish-day. Accessed 12 October 2023.
Kettle, Stephannie. “Respect the Saw: International Sawfish Day 2020 | News & Press.” Mote Marine Laboratory, 16 October 2020, https://mote.org/news/article/respect-the-saw-international-sawfish-day-2020. Accessed 12 October 2023.
Whitehead, Kelli. “Celebrating International Sawfish Day.” Save Our Seas Foundation, 17 October 2020, https://saveourseas.com/international-sawfish-day-2/. Accessed 12 October 2023.