YGA Journal | Article

World Fisheries Day

Netting the Future

Dive into the depths on World Fisheries Day, exploring the vital world of marine fisheries, their critical role in global ecosystems, the challenges posed by overfishing, climate change, and habitat destruction, and the collaborative efforts required for their sustainable management. Learn how you can contribute to their preservation through informed advocacy, support for sustainable fishing practices, and raising awareness about the importance of healthy marine ecosystems for the future of our planet!


Published November 21, 2023

Written by Claire Wang


World Fisheries Day, celebrated on November 21 every year, is dedicated to the significance of sustainable stocks of fisheries and healthy ocean ecosystems around the world. This day is often celebrated by fishing communities through rallies, workshops, music shows and more. At the same time, it is also a day to bring awareness as it strives to strengthen the rights of small fishing communities, better the working conditions in fisheries, and to eliminate illegal, unreported fishing. 

History of World Fisheries Day

The roots of World Fisheries Day can be traced back to 1997 where the World Forum of Fish Harvesters & Fish Workers convened in New Delhi, India, establishing the World Fisheries Forum. Representatives from 18 countries signed a declaration promoting the worldwide embrace of sustainable fishing practices and policies. 


World Fisheries Day is incredibly important as it serves as a reminder to the underlying issues within the fishing industry as well as regarding ocean ecosystems. Fishing is an incredibly high-demand industry as the human population consumes over 100 million tons of fish annually, providing food for billions of people. 


World Fisheries Day is a reminder of environmental sustainability. According to a recent United Nations study, more than two-thirds of the world’s fisheries have been overfished or are fully harvested and more than one-third are in a state of decline due to loss of essential fish habitats, pollution, and global warming. Overfishing is a serious threat as it causes the destruction of entire ecosystems and food chains. The Food and Agriculture Organization estimated that roughly 50% of species of marine fish have been fully or over-exploited. The issue of irresponsible fish farming is also prevalent. It results in chemical pollution since fish farms rely heavily on artificial ways to grow as many fish as possible. 

What can you do? 

You can do many things to support the positive change in fisheries and to promote a better ocean ecosystem: 

  • Reduce your carbon footprint 
  • Use less plastic 
  • Ensure the fish you eat is sourced ethically and sustainably
  • Participate in beach cleanups! 
  • Support conservation organizations that work towards saving our oceans 
  • Spread awareness and build your knowledge 






Charles, P. (n.d.). WORLD FISHERIES DAY – November 21, 2023. National Today. Retrieved November 20, 2023, from 


Fisheries and aquaculture. (n.d.). OECD. Retrieved November 20, 2023, from https://www.oecd.org/agriculture/topics/fisheries-and-aquaculture/ Serkissian, M. (2019, July 15). Seven of the Biggest Problems Facing Fish in Our Oceans » Marine Conservation Institute. Marine Conservation Institute. Retrieved November 20, 2023, from 

https://marine-conservation.org/on-the-tide/seven-of-the-biggest-problems-fa cing-fish-in-our-oceans/ 

World Fisheries Day 2023: Theme, Historical Background, And Importance Of The Day. (2023, November 20). Free Press Journal. Retrieved November 20, 

2023, from 

https://www.freepressjournal.in/business/world-fisheries-day-2023-theme-hi storical-background-and-importance-of-the-day 

